
100 Years

The Guild started like a little sapling in 1923, a modest attempt by a group of European ladies who wished to alleviate the suffering of those affected by war and want. A century later, the Guild is today a large banyan tree, providing skill sets, shelter and sustenance to the underprivileged in the city of Chennai and in several other parts of the country.

A volunteer-run organisation, the Guild has grown, adapted and evolved with the changing milieu and demands of society, ably supported by an empathetic Government machinery, committed donors and dedicated staff. Nothing would have been possible without the unstinting support of all these agencies. We have succeeded in keeping extraneous influences like political and religious affiliations at bay. We believe in rendering service to the deserving, irrespective of their caste, community, religion and status.
The Guild has been working quietly and conscientiously and allowing its work to speak for itself. We believe change is the only constant and have continuously adapted over time. It is not only our programmes but our systems too that are upgraded and modernised, a small example is that we installed rain harvesting at all our campuses almost a decade ago and are working towards composting and zero garbage.

An organisation that survives 100 years, supported by a steady and spontaneous flow of volunteers speaks volumes about the significance of the causes that it espouses. We look forward to more members of the public coming forward to join us as ‘Friends of the Guild’ and help us to further the vision and mission of the Guild in the next 100 years of its existence. As has been truly said, ‘The greatest reward for serving others is the satisfaction found in your own heart’.